留學監理網服務發布時間:01-1514:13北京中教安學教育科技官方帳號,優質原創作者IELTS7.0過年前的最后一場考試,希望考完這兩場后,大家能過個好年!2020年1月16日&18日雅思考試預測機經這就來嘍!雅思考試機經聽力部分Section 1主題提示:本對話是關于去東亞地區(包括越南,香港和日本)旅游的對話。1-10) Completion1. activity when in Vietnam 越南2. have a diving lesson3. Price: $1450.4. when you are in Hong Kong: you can watch the birds5. and enjoy the beautiful還可以在beachjungle。6. after inner去看dance in opera7. 題目缺失8. the last destination Is to go to Japan9. choose to buy electronic product10. recommended to visiting factorySection 1主題提示:學生工作面試1-10) Completion1 Address: 7 Market Street2 Area: public outskirts of South park3 Telephone no: 07736545608 (一開始念07736后來又改了,然后后面一下讀完一串數字,前面說的很慢)4 Postcode: VIT613UL5 1st choice: customer service2nd Job in interest: Cleaning (面試官問她想要做哪方面的工作,她說希望是做與人有關的工作,所以面試官幫她把customer service放在第一選擇。然后她說以前打工時從事過清潔的工作,所以她不介意做清潔。)6 Major: drama7 Level Spanish: fluent8 Specialty (專長):can drive car and minibus9 Time available: Wednesday to Sunday evening only10 Date to start the job: 27th, August 她說要去那里旅游,25th August才能回來,大槪27th才能開始上班)Section 2主題提示:本獨白是對一個社區內兒童設施的介紹。11-17) CompletionFood Section食物部分:11 Lunch time: the cafeteria offers: Hot drinks and cakes9:00-12:0012 Mainly salads原文是chiefly-13 Children who are in 1 to 3 years old should be accompanied by a parent a or carer有寫個人名Waddell14 phone number 636781215 story16 limb movements: stretching7 Bring your own mat (yoga mat to sit on)18-20) MATCHINGMatching payments to activitiesA book in advanceB free entry free chargeC pay at the doorD Pay after you finishedE pay in advance18 playground: —A (有說到book before a week)19 quiz test —C20 swimming pool —BSection 2主題提示:本獨白是關于一次旅游展覽的介紹11-16) Multiple choices11 Manwell Lo (event manager)講座的聽眾主要是:A staff (yellow T-shirt)B publicC journalist press12 When was the travel show first held?A 1884B 1928C 19491928第一次在其他地方舉行,1949是第一次在這個建筑里舉行13 How many attendants expected to be this year?A 12,000 tickets soldB 15,000C 17,00014 what exhibition Will he held?A ****B ****C photograph exhibition15 What does Tom B*** talk about?A the Nile riverB Sahara desertC the Andes mountain三個選項都提到了。先說了**mountain,但是那個是原來的,然后才說~16 the winner of competition could be provided with?A free ticket to art festival complimentaryB shopping voucher (購物券)C free ticket to a Park進入運動樂園后,你只需要pay for your shopping17-20) Map Matchingstart from room1;錄音從右下角開始逬行的17 tour operator—F18 airlines—H縱向的街道叫LITTLE STREET的入口在lift后面,緊急出口前的地方就是正中央19 cook demonstrate—Adiagonally corner20 India stand—GFire exit just behind……輸入雅思成績,一鍵留學選校定位如果想測試自己的雅思成績能申請到國外多少排名的大學,可以使用留學定位系統(如下小程序)做下留學定位。使用方法:把你的基本情況(GPA、語言成績、專業、院校背景等)輸入到系統中去,系統會自動從數據庫中匹配出與你情況相似的同學案例,看看他們成功申請了哪些院校和專業,這樣子就可以看到你目前的水平能申請到什麼層次的院校和專業了,對自己進行精準的定位。